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Better Beauty

In addition to doing DIY renovations, I make time to advocate for better beauty laws by working for Beautycounter.

Why I joined Beautycounter and why I choose it everyday

October 2018


Until recently, I had never given much thought to what went into my skin care and make-up products. Reaching for the cleverly marketed, green toned shampoo bottle claiming to have "natural" ingredients was the extent of my efforts to make healthy cosmetic choices. 

When I first learned the staggering realities of the danger my skin care products could be causing I felt naive and frustrated. How could I be so ill-informed about something I cover my skin in every day? How could I not know that the ingredients in my products are linked with breast cancer, learning disabilities, and infertility? How could I not know that 80% of ingredients in beauty products have NEVER been tested for safety. But the reality is, no one knows if no one tells them - and thankfully, my sister told me. Ansley quoted the Beautycounter CEO, Gregg Renfrew, saying, "Armed with information, people make better choices. When you know better, you can do better." 























That is now my goal and mission, to share with the men and women in my life a healthier way of living. Beautycounter's products are the safest and cleanest products on the market. Undergoing extensive screenings and testings (not required by any laws or the FDA) Beautycounter's products are the highest standard of quality and safety you can find in the beauty industry. They have set a new industry standard by banning more than 1,500 ingredients (the US only bans 30), all while ensuring their products perform at the most competitive levels. 











When using Beautycounter's products, not only can you feel confident the ingredients you are putting on your skin are effective and safe, you can also feel good about how your products were made and produced. One of my favorite qualities of Beautycounter is that it is a certified B Corporation. Joining the prestigious ranks of Patagonia, Warby Parker, and TOMS, Beautycounter meets the highest standards of verified social and environmental performance, transparency, and accountably in existence. As a B Corp, our mission is to use business as a force for good. This high ethical standard is especially important to me as I have learned the harmful impacts of the fashion industry through teaching Fashion Design. I have finally begun to consider the impacts of my consumer choices and how they effect people all over the planet. When you use ANY Beautycounter product you become a part of the movement. You become a force for change.

















The time has come to make change in our country's beauty industry. Companies are allowed to use harmful ingredients and make their own judgments about safety. There is a need for change not only in our country and government regulations, but also in our own homes. Please contact me anytime to discuss how you can make progress for you and your family's health or visit my website to learn more about Beautycounter. 


I am grateful for the opportunity to share this passion of mine with you. I am excited to bring awareness to the people in my life so that they can take steps to live the most healthy life they can. If you too are interested in learning about this opportunity of putting safer products in the hands of everyone, please let me know and read more here.


with love,



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